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Dyer's greenwood

Genista tinctoria L.
Colors Obtained
Greenish Yellow, Yellow, Bright yellow, Olive Green
Dye Ingredients
Luteolin, genistein.
Dyer's greenwood is a perennial shrub that sprouts anew each spring from the roots. It has upright shoots of one to two feet, seldom longer. The flowers are grouped in clusters at the ends of the shoots and bloom from June to August. Throughout Europe, the Black Sea region in Turkey and the Caucasus . Dyer's greenwood grows on dry soil and can also be found in open forests.

Historical Data
Dyer's greenwood has been mentioned since the Middle Ages in Europe as a dye plant. At the time of Edward III (1312-1377) in England , it was used with indigo from woad to produce green, at that time famous as Kendal green.