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Reseda luteola L.
Colors Obtained
Olive Green, Yellow, Bright yellow, Khaki
Dye Ingredients
Luteolin, apigenin.
Historical Data
Historical importance in Europe , the weld seems to be used in prehistoric times. The weld seeds were found in lake excavations of cities of Neolithic time, in Switzerland . In the Hellenistic world and in the Roman Empire , it had to be largely cultivated and used. Weld was already known by the Romans as the best dye plant for a lightfast yellow. It was used for dyeing wedding garments and the robes of the vestal virgins. According to Pliny it was used exclusively for women s garments. However weld is one of the oldest yellow producing dyestuffs and still used frequently by dyers. Weld was used by the Egyptian dyers. According to many analyses of Coptic textiles belonging to 3rd to 10th centuries, the principal source of yellow, orange (in combination with the madder) and green (in combination with the indigo) was weld.