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Rumex sp.
Colors Obtained
Olive Green, Olive Color, Orange, Golden Yellow
Dye Ingredients
Emodin, physicon glukozit, chrysophanol
Species of Rumex sp are common to wide areas of Europe, the Mediterranean countries, and farther east to the Himalayas . In Turkey alone, 25 species have been identified and named, some of which crossbreed. Rumex (sorrel) belongs to the Polygonaceae family, the knotweeds. The annual perennial plants are characterized by pulpy, undivided leaves, by many small flowers that cluster in spikes, and by small triangular or lensshaped brown seeds. Many have thicker taproots that are an intensive yellow from the dyestuff emodin. The roots provide the yellow dyestuff. On an alum mordant, it produces a not very strong but pleasing yellow, which turns to brown, however, soon after exposure to light.